"Presidents Guide to Science"

Este pequeño Documental de cinco episodios, me lo paso "shabakane". Muy recomdable; este tipo de juicio se le debería de hacer a todos los Presidentes del Mundo incluso a todos los Politicos de "shit" que andan nomas parloteando estupideces sin sentido, pensando que pueden convencernos con sus idioteces, un insulto a nuestra inteligencia humana. Chequenlo!!

"The President of the United States, possible the most powerful person on Earth. In command of the most technological fighting force ever assembled. In charge of the most sophisticated intelligence network in the world. Able to put men on the Moon. Yet virtually all of this power is the result of just one thing Science. A topic few presidents have understood. Science has created the world we live in. We expect the President to be an expert in public policy. But to do the job effectively the President most know a little something about Science"

Gracias por el link "shabakane"...

2 deja tu comment:

shabakane dijo...

es te documental es la verga

estavo dijo...

Ya se we, muy buena recomendación.